The photo is uploaded via a form-data key/value pair with type file and the key being "MemberPhoto".
The Photo file should be uploaded using the HTTP request body type form-data set to File, with a Key of MemberPhoto and Value of the photo file to be uploaded.
Supported photo file formats are: JPEG, BMP, PNG, HEIC, WebP. File size limit and photo dimensions are configured in Loyalty. The file size limit specifies and upper-bound on file size, while photo dimensions are an exact requirement.
An HTTP Bad Request is returned in the following cases:
An HTTP Bad Gateway is returned if the connection to Loyalty times out.
Provided photo does not meet configured requirements.
No member authenticated.
{- "memberPhoto": {
- "isUpdatable": true,
- "canBeUpdatedAt": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "uriExpiresAt": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",