Purchasing a future subscription

A member with an existing subscription can change their recurring subscription or renew their non-recurring subscription by purchasing a future subscription after their minimum contracted term has ended.


A future subscription starts after the current billing period of a recurring subscription ends, or after the fixed-term of a non-recurring subscription ends.

Member eligibility

A member with an active subscription is eligible to purchase a future subscription when the canPurchaseFutureSubscription property of their subscriptions equals true. If it is set to false the canPurchaseFutureSubscriptionAt timestamp indicates when canPurchaseFutureSubscription will change to true.

A future subscription cannot be purchased when:

  • The member doesn't have a current subscription, or has already purchased a future subscription.
  • The member's current subscription is Frozen .
  • The member's current subscription OnHold or has an upcoming hold period .
  • The member's current recurring subscription has been cancelled .
  • The minimum contracted term of the member's current subscription hasn't ended.

If a member has already cancelled their recurring subscription, they can purchase a new subscription after their current subscription ends.

Purchasing a future recurring subscription

An eligible member with an existing subscription can purchase a future recurring subscription by creating a future recurring subscription payment card.

The member must authorise their payment card for recurring billing. This card will be stored as the member's subscription payment card and will be charged at the start of the future recurring subscription, after their current subscription ends.

Future recurring subscription purchase flow

Member authentication
Create future recurring subscription payment card
Poll for subscription creation

Member authentication

Authenticate the member and check that they are eligible to purchase a future subscription.

Create future recurring subscription payment card

Create a future recurring subscription payment card via the CreateFutureRecurringSubscriptionPaymentCard endpoint with the selected subscriptionBillingOptionId.

  "webPaymentMethodId": 0,
  "redirectReturnUrl": "http://example.com",
  "languageTag": "string",
  "subscriptionBillingOptionId": "string"

This endpoint returns the details required to render an embedded payment UI for the member to authorise their payment card.

  "memberPaymentCardId": "string",
  "webPaymentMethodId": 0,
  "connectorFunctionName": "string",
  "connectorParametersJson": "string",
  "createCardTokenUrl": "http://example.com",
  "sdkScriptUrls": ["string"],
  "isButtonIncluded": true,
  "isPrimaryCardOptionIncluded": true,
  "connectorScriptUrls": ["string"]

For access to embedded payment UI reference code, talk to your local Vista representative.

Poll for subscription creation

After the embedded payment UI indicates successful creation of a payment card, poll the GetFutureRecurringSubscriptionCreation endpoint to confirm the future recurring subscription has been created.

  "status": "Completed",
  "subscriptionBillingOptionId": "string"

Purchasing a future non-recurring subscription

An eligible member with an existing subscription can purchase a future non-recurring subscription via a subscription purchase order.

The member will be charged the full cost of the chosen non-recurring billing period at time of purchase, and the future subscription will start after their current subscription ends.