Member balance payments

Member balance payments (aka loyalty points payments) are a loyalty-exclusive payment method that allows an authenticated loyalty member to redeem any balance units they've earned to make full or partial payment of an order.

Member balance payment stages

Get maximum payment amount
Set member balance payment
Complete order

Get maximum payment amount

Use the GetMaximumMemberBalancePayment endpoint to get the maximum possible member balance payment for the given order. This endpoint considers:

Set member balance payment

Use the SetMemberBalancePayment endpoint to set the member balance payment against the order.

The optional value request property can be used to specific a particular payment amount. If unspecified, the maximum possible member balance payment will be applied.

Remove member balance payment

If required, the member balance payment can be removed at any time before the order has been completed, via the RemovePayment endpoint.

Complete order

If the applied member balance payment covers the total price of the order, then the final step is to complete the order via the CreateOrderCompletion endpoint.

If the applied member balance payment does not cover the total price of the order, additional payment(s) will need to be made before the order can be completed. For additional information, refer to the payments page.

The member balance payment will be processed during order completion, and the balance units will be deducted from the member's balance.