Order flows

Seat and ticket ordering flows

Seat-first ordering

In a seat-first ordering flow, the patron selects their seats for the showtime first, and then selects the ticket types (if needed) based on the number and location of seats selected.

Get seat layout
Get seat availability
Set showtime details (seats only)
Get tickets for showtime
Set showtime details (seats + tickets)

Ticket-first ordering

In a ticket-first ordering flow, the patron selects the number and type of tickets they want, and then selects specific seats for the chosen tickets.

Get tickets for showtime
Set showtime details (tickets only)
Get seat layout
Get seat availability
Set showtime details (seats + tickets)

Unallocated showtimes

For showtimes without seat allocation, the flow skips the seating endpoints entirely.

Get tickets for showtime
Set showtime details (tickets only)

Seat layouts

A seat layout describes a physical auditorium, including its areas and seats, and is essential for rendering a seat selection interface.

Each showtime has an associated seatLayoutId that can be used to load the seat layout and its related data via the GetSeatLayout endpoint.

See the seat layout section for more details.

Seat availability

Seat availability represents the Sold/Available status of each seat in a showtime. This is considered live data and is only micro-cached for a few seconds.

Use the GetSeatAvailabilityForShowtime endpoint to load the seat availability for a showtime.

See the seat availability section for more details.

Setting seats & tickets

The SetShowtime endpoint allows you to set seats and/or tickets with each request depending on desired UI flow. For full details of advanced ticket types see the ticketing section.

Selecting seats only

  • This will reserve the selected seats but not add any tickets to the order.
  • The order cannot be completed until enough ticket types are selected to fill the reserved seats.

Use the SetShowtime endpoint with the seats request property to reserve the selected seats.

  "seats": ["2_1_9", "2_1_10"]

Selecting tickets only

  • This will add tickets of selected type to the order.
  • This will automatically allocate seats for selected ticket types in areas configured with seat allocation.
  • The order may be completed or the patron may change any auto-allocated seats.

Use the SetShowtime endpoint with the tickets request property to set the selected tickets.

  "tickets": [
      "ticketTypeId": "ADULT"
      "ticketTypeId": "ADULT"

Selecting seats and tickets

  • This will reserve seats and select tickets.
  • The order can now be completed (after any necessary payments have been made).

Use the SetShowtime endpoint with the seats and tickets request properties to reserve the selected seats and set the selected tickets.

  "seats": ["2_1_9", "2_1_10"],
  "tickets": [
      "ticketTypeId": "ADULT"
      "ticketTypeId": "ADULT"

Seat allocation

Showtimes may be configured with seat allocation enabled for one or all area categories. The isAllocatedSeating property on the showtime indicates that at least one area category has allocated seating.

Clients should inspect the isAllocatedSeating property on the area categories within the seat layout to determine if seat selection is supported.

Food & beverage ordering flows

Ordering food & beverage within ticketing flow

Food & beverage items can be added to ticket orders at any stage, although typically done after seats and tickets are selected.

Ticketing flow
Get item profile
Set items
Order completion and payment

Food & beverage-only ordering flow

The Food & beverage-only order flow allows the patron to order food outside of the ticket purchase process. This enables scenarios including:

  • Ordering counter pickup food & beverages ahead of time time to pick up at cinema before showtime.
  • Ordering counter pickup food & beverages while waiting in the lobby for the showtime.
  • Ordering food & beverages to be delivered to their seat during showtime.
  • Ordering food & beverages completely independent of showtimes.
Create standard order
Get item profile
Set items
Order completion and payment

An optional further step allows patrons to initiate the preparation and delivery of part or all of their order when convenient (e.g., arriving at the cinema). See item delivery and preparation for details.