Member updates

An authenticated member can perform various actions to update their details and credentials.

Member personal details

Use the SetMemberPersonalDetails endpoint to update the authenticated member's personal details, including:

  • Name
  • Contact details
  • Interests and references
  • Gender, birth date, marital status, education level, occupation, etc
  • National ID and External ID

Member credential updates

Updating member credentials is a secure process that requires an additional authentication step. The member must be authenticated and must re-enter their current password to update their credentials.


To reset an unknown password, use member password reset flow.

Member username

Use the SetMemberPassword endpoint to update the authenticated member's password.

  "username": "string",
  "currentPassword": "string"

Member email

Use the SetMemberEmail endpoint to update the authenticated member's email address.

  "email": "string",
  "currentPassword": "string"

Member password

Use the SetMemberPassword endpoint to update the authenticated member's password.

  "password": "string",
  "currentPassword": "string"

When choosing a new password, the configured member password rules must be followed.

Member photo

For details about updating a member photo, see the member photos page.