Member rewards

Members can check any rewards (aka recognitions) they've earned in Vista Loyalty and redeem them for member-only benefits.

Available rewards

Use the GetMemberRewards endpoint to get this list of available rewards for the authenticated member.

  "memberRewards": [
      "rewardId": 5018,
      "instanceNumber": 1,
      "availableQuantity": {
        "isUnlimited": true,
        "value": null
      "expiresAt": "2035-12-30T12:00:00+00:00"
  "relatedData": {
    "rewards": [
        "id": 5018,
        "name": {
          "text": "Loyalty Ticket",
          "translations": []
        "description": {
          "text": "Loyalty Ticket 60% off",
          "translations": []
        "balanceCost": null,
        "type": {
          "name": {
            "text": "Special Offer",
            "translations": []
        "itemId": "A000000050",
        "limitPerOrder": 2,
        "discountCalculation": {
          "percentageOff": 60.0,
          "type": "PercentageOff"
    "items": [
        "id": "A000000050",
        "name": {
          "text": "Loyalty Ticket type",
          "translations": []
        "itemClass": {
          "name": null,
          "group": {
            "name": {
              "text": "BOX OFFICE",
              "translations": []
            "type": "Ticket"

Redeeming rewards

Member rewards can be redeemed within an order for certain member-only benefits, including:

  • Exclusive tickets with a MemberReward restriction.
  • Ticket and item price discounts with a MemberReward restriction.
  • Film advance booking periods with a MemberReward restriction.

The maximum times a reward can be redeemed depends on its available quantity, limit per order, and balance cost, as well as the member's available balance of suitable balance units.

Available quantity

Each member reward has an availableQuantity that indicates the maximum number of times the reward can be redeemed. Some rewards can be redeemed an unlimited number of times, as indicated by the isUnlimited property.

The member can choose to redeem the maximum available quantity in a single order, or across multiple separate orders.

Limit per order

Certain member rewards can only be redeemed a limited number of times in a single order, as indicated by the limitPerOrder of the related loyalty reward.

When null, the member reward doesn't have a per-order limit and only the available quantity and balance cost limits apply.

Balance cost

A member reward may have an associated balanceCost, which indicates the balance units required to redeem the reward.

Any balance units redeemed through the redemption of a member reward will be automatically deducted from the member's available balance upon order completion.

Expiring rewards

Certain member rewards may expire, as indicated by the expiresAt timestamp. When null, the member reward never expires.

Expiring member rewards must be redeemed before the expiresAt timestamp, as the member will lose access to a reward after it expires.