Member film watchlist
Loyalty members can save films to their watchlist for later reference.
Get watchlist films
Use the GetWatchlistFilms endpoint to get the authenticated member's film watchlist.
"films": [
"filmId": "string",
"addedAt": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
"watchedAt": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
"displayPriority": 0
"relatedData": {
"films": [],
"castAndCrew": [],
"genres": [],
"censorRatings": []
Some properties have been omitted from the code snippet above for brevity.
Add film to watchlist
Use the AddWatchlistFilm endpoint to add a film to the authenticated member's film watchlist.
"filmId": "string"
Remove film from watchlist
Use the RemoveWatchlistFilm endpoint to remove a film from the authenticated member's film watchlist.