
The Omni-Channel API (OCAPI) follows industry standards for Restful API design wherever possible.

Content types

  • Request body content should have a Content-Type of application/json
curl 'https://[tenantId]' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer eyJhbGciOiJSUzI1Ni...

Date formats

  • Dates are serialised using the standard ISO 8601 format.
  • Dates may or may not return time zone information depending on the purpose of the date.
  • Time zone offsets are returned where the time zone itself is relevant, otherwise dates are returned in UTC time.
Scenario Date Type Example Date
Film release date Business Day 2014-01-17
Showtime start time Time zone relevant instant 2023-10-25T17:45:00+13:00
Order expiry date Time zone agnostic instant 2023-10-25T03:36:31+00:00


  • Both request and response entities may make use of polymorphism as defined by the Open API 3 specification.
  • Polymorphic entities define a type property which is used as a discriminator allowing the serialiser to deserialise the JSON into the appropriate type.

Example of a Standard-type order response.

  "order": {
    "id": "90df4170fe594ad1aff03be6b55cb3e4",
    "type": "Standard",
    "showtimes": [
        "showtimeId": "0000000003-4419",
        "tickets": [
            "type": "Normal",
            "ticketTypeId": "0000000003-0022",
            "price": {
              "valueIncludingTax": 19.5,
              "valueExcludingTax": 16.24,
              "tax": 3.26

Example of a Subscription-type order response.

  "order": {
    "id": "90df4170fe594ad1aff03be6b55cb3e4",
    "type": "Subscription",
    "subscription": {
      "subscriptionId": "HO3412",
      "subscriptionBillingOptionId": "B281",
      "price": {
        "valueIncludingTax": 100.0,
        "valueExcludingTax": 85.0,
        "tax": 15.0

HTTP response codes

Code Name Details
400 Bad Request The request contains invalid data and or conflicts with a business rule.
401 Unauthorized Request has not been authenticated.
403 Forbidden Identity of request does not have access to requested endpoint/functionality.
404 Not Found The requested resource on the URL has not been found.
429 Too Many Requests Rate limit exceeded for request.
500 Internal Server Error An unexpected exception has occurred within API application.
502 Bad Gateway A downstream call from the API has failed unexpectedly.
504 Gateway Timeout A downstream call from the API has timed out.


Errors returned from the API follow the Problem Details standard which should include the key information about the error.

  "correlationId": "Vista.Connect.WSVistaWebClient-CONMT1-eZdWERGRU0Sb7LfeFMSjBw--clhPuUs_kaw8UwLTX_Y-Q",
  "originalRequestUrl": "/ocapi/v1/orders/standard/booking",
  "type": null,
  "status": 401,
  "title": "Authentication Token Failed",
  "detail": "No Client exists for supplied global authentication JWT.",
  "instance": null

404 errors

Typically a 404 indicates the data identified by the URL is not found.

  • This is an expected response code for certain endpoints and represents an error in others.
  • Identifiers sent as part of a request body JSON that cannot be found will typically result in a 400 response.

400 errors

Each endpoint may define extended error details for 400 responses including data such as a custom errorCode which allows clients to programmatically handle different error scenarios.

Example below is of a request failing due to requested seats no longer being available. Clients should expect and handle the errorCode 10000 in this case.

  "errorCode": 10000,
  "correlationId": "Vista.Connect.WSVistaWebClient-MANUALROB-3204608579a641b086af47c29f43bc30-5o0WeZN3pUGLxuk1Adx3rw",
  "originalRequestUrl": "/ocapi/v1/orders/3204608579a641b086af47c29f43bc30/showtimes/0000000003-4419",
  "type": null,
  "status": 400,
  "title": "Seats unavailable",
  "detail": "Requested seats are sold, currently reserved or unavailable for sale.",
  "instance": null

5XX errors

500,502 and 504indicate that an unexpected failure occurred.

  • Clients are not expected to handle these status codes specifically. Any returned data is purely for diagnostic and auditing purposes.
  • If possible, client applications should log correlationId when logging unexpected responses from the API as this value can be used to correlate logs throughout the Vista suite for troubleshooting purposes.